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Vistelar Blog

Building Safe And Respectful Workplaces

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Blog Posts of Allen Oelschlaeger

Allen is a conflict expert with a focus on creating safe and respectful workplaces. He is a creator of the Confidence in Conflict book series and podcast, leader of the company’s e-learning initiative, and authority on how to best train the psychomotor skill of conflict management. His background includes Wharton School MBA, University of Wisconsin faculty member, and leadership roles in the healthcare industry.

Preventing Workplace Violence In Healthcare

Preventing Workplace Violence In Healthcare

When you hear the term "Workplace Violence," your mind probably shifts to thoughts of a physical altercation. However, you may be surprised to learn that workplace violence incorporates much more than fistfights and physical abuse. It also includes the mere threat of violence as well as verbal and psychological abuse. Any one of these actions can have detrimental long-term effects on a person's...

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