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Building Safe And Respectful Workplaces

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Blog Posts of Joel Lashley

Joel Lashley has worked in public safety for over thirty years and, since 1991, has focused on healthcare security. Within healthcare, he has extensive firsthand experience in keeping the peace in hospitals, clinics and residential treatment facilities. Joel is the author of many articles on topics ranging from providing care for people with brain-based disorders and psychiatric challenges, to managing patient prisoners in private healthcare facilities. He is in demand nationwide for his expertise in creating environments of care and clinical relationships that are incompatible with violence, resulting in better and safer working conditions for caregivers and higher customer satisfaction levels for patients. As an award-winning educator and trainer, he has taught his principles for addressing healthcare violence (e.g., seven myths of healthcare violence, Crisis Interventions) to physicians, psychiatrists, nurses, healthcare security staff, social workers, law enforcement officers, corrections officers, residential care workers, and educators. Joel also provides training and consulting to healthcare professional organizations, hospitals and healthcare systems, crisis intervention training companies and law enforcement agencies, all of whom are concerned with the epidemic levels of violence in healthcare.

Caring Hurts: Study Shows What Nurses Already Know About Work-Related Stress

Caring Hurts: Study Shows What Nurses Already Know About Work-Related Stress

A lecture I once gave at a nursing conference about workplace violence, hosted by the Marquette University College of Nursing, was followed by a vigorous question and answer session. After fielding a few questions, I noticed a woman in the front row sheepishly raising her hand. Frankly, she looked shell-shocked. 

Her expression was blank and her eyes were wet with tears on the edge of spilling...

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A Rope Breaks at its Thinnest Part

A Rope Breaks at its Thinnest Part Featured Image
If there is anything that I have learned from all the tremendous mentors I’ve had in my career, it’s that wisdom is universal. Many truths transcend languages and cultures. For instance, there is a proverb in the Kenyan language that translates into English as, “A rope breaks at its thinnest part.” Sound familiar? Sort of like the saying, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” In...
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