How to prevent workplace violence from developing
How to respond when threats and violence happen
How to recover from WPV and prevent violence from recycling
Program Overview
This training focuses on preparing workers to be the first line of defense against workplace violence (violence or threat of violence against workers) and lateral violence (emotional and physical violence among employees), including how prevent and mitigate such violence, and if it occurs, how to respond.
Develop the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities to
- be the first line of defense against workplace violence
- prevent emotional and physical violence using non-escalation tactics
- recognize and reduce gateway behaviors and other conditions that can lead to workplace violence
- identify pre-incident indicators that can be a precursor to violence
- be more situationally aware of escalating conflict that could lead to harm
- resolve refusals and de-escalate verbal confrontations and crisis situations
- act in an effective and safe manner when faced with violence
- debrief, document, and report workplace violence incidents